Roadmap to Success: LPIC-2

Roadmap to Success is a series of posts designed to help learners better understand certification pathways, career opportunities associated with those certifications, and next steps beyond certification.
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) offers a variety of certification options for learners interested in open source technologies. The LPIC-2: Linux Network Professional Certification is designed to address advanced skills for the Linux professional that are commonly needed across all distributions of Linux. The LPIC-2 certification qualifies learners for roles including systems administrator, networking engineer, senior systems integration engineer, and more.
LPIC-2: Linux Network Professional Certification (LPIC-2) The LPIC-2: Linux Network Professional Certification (LPIC-2) is an advanced Linux certification that ensures that learners are able to:
administer a small- to medium-sized site;
plan, implement, maintain, keep consistent, secure, and troubleshoot a small mixed (MS, Linux) network;
supervise assistants; and
advise management on automation and purchases.
As an advanced Linux certification, the LPIC-1 certification is a prerequisite to the LPIC-2. However, the certifications can be completed in any order. The LPIC-2 is made up of two exams, both of which are covered by CBT Nuggets training:
LPIC-2, Exam 202 (CBT Nuggets trainer Shawn Powers is scheduled to start this course soon! Check our in-progress course list to see his progress!)
Typically, learners pursuing the LPIC-2 should have 1-3 years of experience in IT, a general understanding of networking, and experience working with the Linux command line. While LPI considers the LPIC-2 an advanced Linux certification, others consider it to be an entry-level certification. Learners should have some experience working directly with Linux and other open source technologies before pursuing LPIC-2 certification.
Exam Details In most cases, learners seeking the LPIC-2 start by setting up an LPI ID and purchasing a voucher before registering for the exam. If you're wondering how long it might take to study for the LPIC-2 certification, we have a guide to help you plan and maximize your study schedule for success.
Consider reviewing LPI's How to Take LPI Exams overview before registering in order to become familiar with the process. The two required exams for the LPIC-2 certification share many details, as outlined below. For additional information on the exam experience, review Pearson's Exam Profile: LPIC-2 (201 and 202) article.
Exams 201 and 202 Time allotted for exams: 90 minutes (per exam) Number of questions: 60 (per exam) Passing score: 500 (of 800 possible points, per exam) Question types: Multiple choice/multiple answer; multiple choice/single answer; fill-in-the-blank Exam registration: Pearson Vue (purchase an LPI exam voucher) Exam cost: $188 (USD) (per exam) Exam topics: Exam topics are available as a free, online resource
LPIC-2, Exam 201
LPIC-2, Exam 202
Recertification LPI certifications are valid for five (5) years. Learners can recertify by passing the exams for which they hold certification, or upgrade to the next certification level before the certification expires.
The Next Step Linux Essentials is an entry-level certificate, which opens up opportunities for learners to advance their Linux skills or diversify their resumes. Learners who earn the Linux Essentials certificate often consider the following options for next steps in their ongoing professional development:
LPIC-3 (made up of three exams: Exam 300, Exam 303, and Exam 304)
Docker (formal certification is not currently available, but is said to be coming soon! Complete Shawn Powers' recent Docker course course to be ready when the certification becomes available!)
Ubuntu (like Docker, there is no formal certification available for Ubuntu, but it serves as excellent training for real-world application and skill expansion. Complete Shawn Powers' Ubuntu course to advance your skills.)
Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator (made up of one exam: RHCSA EX200)
Career Considerations provides a helpful salary guide to help learners determine appropriate pay scales for job opportunities associated with the LPIC-2. Depending on professional experience, an employee who holds an LPIC-2 certification can earn, on average, $76,000. reports a range of salaries for employees holding the LPIC-2 certification between $98,000 and $99,750. However, this range is likely higher than what most learners should expect in common roles requiring the LPIC-2 certification. Roles that are common for those holding an LPIC-2 certification include IT operations engineer, Linux systems administrator, network application developer, systems management engineer, and more.
LPI Certification Pathways The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has developed a certification pathway that is simple and direct. Made up of four certifications, LPI offers certifications for learners who are beginning their Linux training, as well as seasoned Linux professionals. Certifications offered by LPI include:
Linux Essentials
There are no prerequisites for the Linux Essentials or LPIC-1 certifications. The prerequisite for the LPIC-2 is the LPIC-1. Similarly, the prerequisite for the LPIC-3 is the LPIC-2.
Concluding Thoughts Open source technologies continue to demonstrate momentum across the industry. IT professionals who develop expertise in open source technologies, and demonstrate that expertise with certifications can expect ever-growing career opportunities. The LPIC-2 certification creates job opportunities in an exciting and growing area within IT.
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