
At CBT Nuggets, we care deeply about making a difference in the global community, and we believe training helps people and organizations thrive. The NuggetLove program translates these values into corporate social responsibility.

How do you build a more sustainable world?

One pair of hands at a time. We help the humanitarians who are shoring up local communities across the globe.

The NuggetLove method is simple: We partner with organizations that create self-sustaining communities. That means they do more than just address basic human needs like water, shelter, and sanitation. They also educate people, encourage entrepreneurship, and help stimulate local economies. Once we find them, we provide targeted financial support and consulting, strategically focused to help them grow, amplify their impact, and become sustainable themselves.

See how our partners are building stronger communities.

Click here to learn more

Organizations we have worked with

Assisting in the effort to end homelessness

Since 2017 we have partnered with St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County, Inc. to provide financial support toward their efforts to end homelessness. The primary mechanism towards this goal is the construction of Ascend Home, a transitional housing project completed in 2023. The facility will provide a safe harbor where families can anchor long enough, out of crisis and with a roof reliably overhead, to focus on the work necessary to secure lasting stability in housing, employment and more.

    33 Million YouTube views 2.6 million hours of training watched

Other NuggetLove initiatives

  • Transitioning from military service

    Leaving military service for civilian life is a huge transition. We should know—our owner is a U.S. veteran. We’ve helped ease that transition by providing free IT training to more than 9,000 users from every branch of the armed forces through our:

    Military to Civilian IT Pro e-book

    Outside the Wire program

  • Training for displaced workers

    Through our NuggetLove program, we partner with HR teams and unemployment offices to provide free training to individuals affected by layoffs. For more information about training for displaced workers, please email us at

Who we are

Shelly Galvin is CBT Nuggets Chief People Officer. She manages the organization's corporate social responsibility efforts and has worked as a fundraiser and consultant globally with nonprofit organizations, NGOs, and social entrepreneurs. She also worked on a proposal development and business development team with small companies in Africa and the Middle East competing for USAID project funding. She’s won funding for projects large and small, from a $5,000 campaign for diversity in education training for local teachers to a $300M infrastructure project for USAID West Bank/Gaza. She holds a diploma in Social Innovation from the UN-mandated University for Peace (UPEACE) Executive Training Centre.

    33 Million YouTube views 2.6 million hours of training watched
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