New Skills

New Training: Deploy a Python Azure Function App with VS Code

by Team Nuggets
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Published on March 10, 2021

In this 6-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Knox Hutchinson teaches you how to deploy a new Microsoft Azure Function App resource, scaffold code locally, and deploy it to Azure from within Visual Studio (VS) Code. Learn how to set up your development environment, how to configure an HTTP trigger and handle the sharedSecret JSON key, and how to connect and write to Queue Storage. Watch this new Cisco training.

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This training includes:

  • 6 videos

  • 29 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • The Scenario

  • Required Apps, Extensions, and Packages

  • Developing a Python Function

  • Adding Queue Storage Bindings

  • Deploying to Azure

  • Summarizing Function Apps

How Can Azure App Services Minimize Infrastructure Overhead?

Azure App Services is an Azure cloud-native solution that allows developers to build, deploy and scale web applications, mobile applications, mobile back-ends, RESTful APIs, and other services without the need to configure the infrastructure to support the development environment. This type of infrastructure-free environment is known as a Serverless Application environment built on container technology.

The basic concept in serverless architecture or container architecture is to provide a pool of resources applications have access to such that the developer cna consume only the resources that are needed and don't have to worry about over or under provisioning resources for the server that will house the application. Now, with Azure App Services, developers can build, deploy and scale applications on the fly, without ever worrying about reprovisioning development servers in doing so.


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