New Course: IT Expertise: Installing Network Cabling and Devices

CBT Nuggets trainer Jeremy Cioara recently completed his new IT Expertise: Installing Network Cabling and Devices course, giving you a real-world experience and taking you through the step-by-step process of setting up a new network infrastructure in a new facility!
In this 12-video course, Jeremy walks through the installation of network cabling and equipment, teaching you how to initially assess the network needs of a building, install cabling, crimp, punch down, and test network cables, cable management, network documentation, and equipment installation.
This course represents a new direction for CBT Nuggets training that is intended to close the gap between certification training and real-world experience. We asked Jeremy about his new course and what you can expect for your CBT Nuggets Learning Experience.
Q: Why should companies train their IT professionals using this IT Expertise course? What value does Installing Network Cabling and Devices provide to an organization and the IT pro?
The skills taught in the course are needed by almost every network professional in some form; most of them learn it through the "school of hard knocks" on the job. The goal in building this course was to provide a foundation often lacking when individuals want to begin a career as a network professional.
Q: This course is really different from anything else we offer at CBT Nuggets. What was your inspiration for creating this course?
The inspiration came from seeing many Cisco CCNA learners "go underwater" when they first step into the real world. Many survive, but it often takes months (or years) of treading water to fill the knowledge gap. The initial inspiration was providing a precursor or introduction that learners could take BEFORE entering Cisco CCNA R&S.
Q: From a learner perspective, what did you keep in mind when creating this course?
Immediate practicality and usability. We live in an information-saturated world with plenty of "Ah, that's interesting" information. This course was created in a "do or die" fashion. It uses lots of videos to help new learners feel comfortable, then challenges them (and gives them all the knowledge) to DO IT. Scenarios are written for home or office environments.
Q: Any out-of-the-box tips for learners to get the most out of your course?
Get ready: This is NOT a "sit and watch" training course! In this world, you'll learn by doing.
Q: How does this real-world training connect to certifications our learners might be pursuing?
Great question. This training will enhance the learner's confidence and scope of knowledge around vendor certification. It "fills the cracks" left by training specifically created for a specific vendor's offering.
Q: What was your favorite Nugget to create in this course?
It's probably the Fishing Cable Nugget or the Cable Management Nugget. Both of these took multiple days of video shoots and lots of editing. The end product conveys concepts, pitfalls, and good and bad advice in an ultra-condensed dose.
Q: What's the most important thing you hope learners take away from this course?
Practical confidence. Confidence will help you dispel any fears about getting into this realm of technology.
Q: What course(s) or certification(s) should learners complete before diving into your IT Expertise: Installing Network Cabling and Devices course?
None! This is meant to be a learner's first step into network technology.
Q: What course(s) or certification(s) should learners look to jump into after they complete your IT Expertise course?
Either Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching OR the next step of the IT Expertise track: Installing and Supporting Day-to-Day Switching (currently in progress).
Q: You describe your new course as a third path, an alternative to certifications and to college degrees which is pretty amazing. How did you come to a place where you wanted an alternative to the traditional paths that people typically take?
I saw shortcomings in the traditional offerings:
College degrees (good learning) are expensive, time-consuming, and often demoralizing for an IT-focused individual. While they provide general studies, they are too slow and too dated for modern technology. This is your parents' path to success, not yours.
IT certifications (better learning) are extremely focused, very relevant to modern technology but vendor-specific, which often leaves gaps when someone enters a multi-vendor, multi-discipline world.
So, IT Expertise provides an alternative: an ultra-practical, vendor-neutral method of understanding and implementing technology in real-world environments.
Q: People often comment on your fantastic energy. How much coffee do you drink in a day?
Ha! Funny! I usually have three: first thing in the morning, somewhere around 2 p.m. (on a slow day), and 9 p.m. (once the kids go to sleep and it's time for just me and my wife).
Q: How many injuries did you personally sustain throughout the development of this course?
Two significant injuries (OUCH! THAT HURT!!), many flesh wounds (oh, how did that scratch get there?).
Launch your networking career by getting your hands a little dirty! Start learning real-world skills today with IT Expertise: Installing Network Cabling and Devices.
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