New Training: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 High Availability and Disaster Recovery

In this 15-video, intermediate training, CBT Nuggets trainer Garth Schulte covers the knowledge systems administrators need to provide consistent, high-speed access to data — whether that’s times of high traffic or preventing outages and failures.
One of a database administrator’s central responsibilities is making sure that data is always available. High availability and disaster recovery represent the two opposite extremes of that central responsibility. In other words, it doesn’t matter if everyone’s making requests all at once and the database is struggling to keep up, or a power failure knocks out a data center — you have to keep the data flowing. This Microsoft SQL Server 2016 High Availability and Disaster Recovery training covers how to do exactly that: keep mission-critical instances, servers, databases and data available for the people who need them, no matter what.
The three-part series covers topics such as providing essential business continuity solutions for company data, allowing work to continue in the event of outages or unforeseen calamity, and ensuring data access in cloud, on-premises and hybrid data environments.
Watch a video from the series:
The skills that comprise this series include:
Topics this training covers include:
Implement Failover Cluster Instances: Lab
Implement Always On Availability Groups: Create an Availability Group
Implement Log Shipping: Configure Log Shipping
Implement Always On Availability Groups: Lab
Implement Failover Cluster Instances: Configure Shared Storage
This training includes:
1 hour of training
15 videos
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