Training / New Courses

New Training: Junos Routing Fundamentals

by Team Nuggets
New Training: Junos Routing Fundamentals picture: A
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Published on July 7, 2021

In this 18-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Knox Hutchinson covers the knowledge network administrators need to think with and understand the principles of how devices running the Junos operating system make routing decisions and what configuration can be done to them.

Watch this new Juniper training.

Obviously there are many different manufacturers of network devices. And although the underlying principles that make routing and forwarding network traffic possible don’t change from manufacturer to manufacturer, the way different devices do the routing certainly does.

Juniper Networks is a trusted manufacturer of routing devices and developer of Junos, the operating system those devices use. If you’ve never used Junos, you might find its way of instructing network devices on how to route network traffic strange or confusing.

Luckily, after this training, you’ll understand the essentials of how Junos devices make their routing and forwarding decisions and actually move network traffic around.

The two-part series covers topics such as understanding the basic concepts of traffic forwarding, differentiating between routing tables and forwarding tables, and determining what goes into route preferences.

Watch a video from the series:

The skills that comprise this series include:

Topics this training covers include:

  • Verify OSPF on Each Device

  • Configure OSPF on Juniper Devices

  • Junos Routing Instances

  • Configure OSPF on Cisco Devices

  • Introducing Junos Routing

This training includes:

  • 2 hour of training

  • 18 videos

Start learning Juniper today!


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