New Training: Utilizing Basic Digital Forensic Techniques
In this 4-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer John Munjoma covers digital forensic techniques and usage. Watch this new CompTIA training.
Watch the full course: CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst
This training includes:
4 videos
21 minutes of training
You’ll learn these topics in this skill:
Utilizing Basic Digital Forensic
Digital Forensics
How TCP-Dump Can Help Debug Network Connectivity Issues
One of the greatest networking connectivity debugging tools comes via the simple Linux command TCP-Dump. The TCP-Dump is a Linux command-line utility that returns all of the network traffic transmitted via TCP within a given system. Often, by analyzing network traffic, keen admins can assess what might be causing network congestion or network connectivity issues.
To ensure administrators have access to the TPC-Dump command, first and foremost, TCP-Dump must be installed on the system. Once installed, the administrator using the TCP-Dump command must also have elevated permissions in the Linux environment, so it's important to ensure that before administrators attempt to debug with TCP-Dump. Once those requirements are met, administrators can use the sudo tcpdump command to quickly and easily analyze network traffic.
As administrators use the TCP-Dump command, they can define what interfaces they would like to analyze packet transmission from and also define how many packets they would like to analyze in the debugging process. This tool provides an incredibly easy to use, straightforward approach to network debugging in a Linux environment.
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