New Training: Install, Update, and Configure Software
In this 6-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Shawn Powers teaches you how to install, maintain, and update packages in multiple Linux Distributions. Gain an understanding of RPM, APT, and self-compiled applications. Watch this new Linux training.
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This training includes:
6 videos
20 minutes of training
You’ll learn these topics in this skill:
Installing Tarballs
Managing .deb Packages
Managing .rpm Packages
Configuring APT Repositories
Configuring YUM Repositories
Identifying Non-RPM and Non-APT Package Managers
YUM vs APT Repositories: What’s the Difference
Linux is an open-sourced operating system that has been around for many decades and is distributed/packaged by many different providers (e.g., Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu). Since there are multiple distribution repositories, there will usually be different tools (Package Managers) to get, install and upgrade specific versions.
Let's look deeper at two of these Package Managers: YUM & APT.
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), used for Red hat and others, has the ability to not only automatically update the list of available RPM packages but also can auto-source the dependent items as well. It is more intuitive and tries to reduce the burden for the administrator.
APT (Advance Package Tool), used by Ubuntu and others, has similar features to YUM but is not as automatic and takes a command or two or three in order to get nearly to the same place with DEB packages. It puts more responsibility on the administrator to command their way through the process.
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