New Skills

New Training: Implement and Secure Meraki WiFi Networks

by Team Nuggets
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Published on March 2, 2021

In this 8-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Knox Hutchinson teaches you about the Cisco Meraki Wireless suite of products and their capabilities. Learn how to design and deploy a wireless network with security in mind, how to secure an SSID, and how to set up a profile and associate it with an access point (AP). Gain an understanding of Meraki monitoring and dashboarding. Watch this new Cisco training.

Watch the full course: Cisco Meraki Networks

This training includes:

  • 8 videos

  • 27 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Introducing Meraki WiFi Solutions

  • Deployment Considerations

  • Securing and Addressing SSIDs

  • Deeper Configuration of an SSID

  • Securing Meraki Wireless Networks

  • Radio and Bluetooth Settings

  • Monitoring Your WiFi Network

  • Summarizing Meraki WiFi

Meraki Wireless Access Points Are Beacon Equipped

The Meraki suite of wireless access points is a Cisco product that offers cloud management capabilities. Among the many features, these wireless access points offer is built-in Bluetooth low energy (BLE) connection. These BLE connections can be used as beacons.

Bluetooth Beacons are radios that scan a geographic area for other BLE-capable devices. Once other beacon-enabled devices are discovered within range of the access point, that access point can transmit things like messages to apps on client devices.

Meraki wireless access points are also able to map BLE devices attached to their beacons within a geographical area as well. To enable this functionality, individual access points need to be mapped within the Meraki cloud management application. The cloud management application will then be able to roughly monitor the X and Y coordinates of a device within a given area.

For Bluetooth Beacons to function, Meraki wireless access points need to be configured properly. Certain settings such as RX power, the UUID, and other values will need to be set before beaconing can function properly.


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