What are the Latest Updates to the AZ-900 Exam?

As technology evolves, so do certifications. In October 2022, Microsoft announced updates to its AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. While most of the changes were minor, some previous exam objectives changed.
First things first: No matter how big or small the changes to an exam’s objectives are, they can affect how you prepare for the test. So it’s important to keep current on exam changes — even if you’re in the midst of studying for one.
The latest changes to the AZ-900 exam are laid out in this article and can help you prepare more successfully. If you would like to see them for yourself, then be sure to check out the AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals resource page.
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What Does the AZ-900 Cover?
Microsoft's Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam tests your knowledge of Azure services, cloud services, basic support topics, and product positioning & pricing. It is an entry-level certification that aims to provide an important overview of how Azure is positioned in the market.
The exam is constantly being updated and changed so that it reflects the most recent changes to Microsoft's products and services.
What are the Updated and New AZ-900 Exam Objectives?
The AZ-900 exam underwent several updates since Fall 2022, leading to new and updated exam objectives and topics. These changes reflect the latest developments in the Azure realm. Some of the key new and updated objectives include:
Understanding Azure Architecture: The updated AZ-900 exam has a new objective that requires you to have an understanding of Azure architecture and its components. You need to know about Azure architecture items such as subscriptions, availability zones, and regions.
Understanding Azure Services: Topics related to this area that you should know include Azure Virtual Network, Azure Storage, and Azure Virtual Machines. The good news is you don’t need a technical understanding of these technologies.
Understanding Azure Pricing and Support: The last notable change to the AZ-900 exam is that it now includes an objective dedicated to understanding Azure pricing and support options. These include items such as Azure Free Trial, Azure Pay-As-You-Go, and Azure Reservations. Microsoft wants you to understand what organizations can afford and which of their solutions will work best for different situations.
These are the three main areas that you should be paying attention to if you plan to take the AZ-900 exam. You should revise your current study plan if you are currently working toward the exam.
See also: How to Pass the AZ-900 Exam.
Are There Any Changes to the AZ-900 Exam Format?
There are no changes to the format of the exam. The AZ-900 exam is still a multiple-choice, performance-based test that has around 40 to 60 questions. The duration is still the same with a time limit of 90 minutes to finish.
And just like before, the exam is available in multiple languages and the exam can be taken either at a testing center or online.
Final Thoughts
There aren't a whole lot of changes to the AZ-900 exam. So, if you already started studying for the exam before the objectives were updated, there is no need to panic. Download the latest exam objectives and go through each section so that you are sure that everything has been covered.
If you are taking the AZ-900 soon, we wish you the best of luck. If you are still thinking about how best to study for this exam, then be sure to check out our AZ-900 training.
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