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Using our Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams

by Team Nuggets
Using our Kaplan® IT Training Practice Exams picture: A
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Published on July 3, 2013

At CBT Nuggets, we strive to help our subscribers watch, learn, and conquer their way to earning certifications, landing new jobs, or simply learning new material. One of the many ways we do that is by providing Kaplan® IT Training practice exams, which are included with our annual IT and PM subscriptions.

To help you learn how to use these practice exams and get the most out of them, CBT Nuggets trainer Keith Barker created a MicroNugget: "Using Transcender Practice Exams."

Kaplan® IT Training is a leading IT certification prep and training vender, and their exams are an ideal way to test and review your knowledge. That way, you'll feel ready and confident to take an exam or figure out solutions.

After watching this info-packed and engaging video, you'll be one step closer toward conquering your goals. Happy watching!

Ultimate Systems Administration Cert Guide

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