New Training: Managing Linux Containers with Docker Compose

In this 11-video, PowerShell training, CBT Nuggets trainer Trevor Sullivan covers how to use Docker Compose to manage Linux containers.
Watch this new Docker and PowerShell training.
These days, application containers are one of the easiest ways to develop, test, deploy, and scale services. Docker is one of the best-known tools to build container images and deploy them. However, many applications are split into smaller components commonly known as microservices. Deploying an entire application can consist of several — or more — microservices, each of which lives in its own container.
This training includes:
11 videos
1.5 hour of training
Watch a video from the series:
How Docker Helps You Manage Containers
Docker Compose helps you to wrangle multiple containers by deploying and managing them as a single entity. Using the commonly recognized YAML syntax, you can create a Docker Compose file and define one or more containers that make up your whole application. Instead of individually creating containers for each of your microservices with the Docker CLI, the Docker Compose CLI handles this whole process for you as a "stack" of microservices.
With Docker Compose, you can deploy pre-built container images from a registry such as Docker Hub. You can also build your own container images on-demand whenever code changes are made and are ready to be deployed.
If you are developing applications using a microservices approach, Docker Compose can significantly improve your development and testing workflow.
Start learning Docker and PowerShell today!
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