New Training: Getting Started with Python 3

In this %VIDEO_COUNT%-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Ben Finkel covers the knowledge developers need to write professional-level code in Python, one of the most most versatile and powerful programming languages for web, GUI and game design.
Python is simply one of the most powerful and versatile coding languages anywhere. And you can learn it with this course. The nice thing about Python is it’s a readable programming language — the code and programs read like English, not weird computer jargon.
This Getting Started with Python 3 training will show you the fundamentals and introduce you to what coding can do. You don’t need any previous experience with programming or coding to learn about Python. In fact, tons of developers agree that learning Python as your first programming language is key to understanding future, more complex languages.
The %SKILL_COUNT%-part series covers topics such as installing and running Python, recognizing the fundamentals of Python objects and its data structure, and writing code in Python, in statements and through functions.
Watch a video from the series:
The skills that comprise this series include:
Topics this training covers include:
Understand Python Strings
Introduction to Functions in Python
Encoding Strings with ASCII, Unicode, and UTF-8
Installing Python 3
Basic Python Vocabulary
This training includes:
%HOURS% hour of training
%VIDEO_COUNT% videos
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