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New Training: Configure Visual Studio Code for PowerShell Development

by Trevor Sullivan
New Training: Monitor Windows Performance Counters and Event Logs with PowerShell picture: A
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Published on January 20, 2021

In this 10-video, DevOps training, CBT Nuggets trainer Trevor Sullivan covers how to configure Visual Studio Code for PowerShell development.

Watch this new Visual Studio training.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is an extensible, open-source, and cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Microsoft is investing a significant amount of time and effort to make VSCode the best IDE for developers using nearly any programming language.

A separate team at Microsoft is actively working on developing and enhancing a PowerShell extension for VSCode. This extension provides full support for PowerShell in VSCode, with features such as Intellisense, interactive debugging, Pester unit testing, and more.

If you're still using the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Editor (ISE), or some other text editor, you should consider switching to VSCode. ISE has the following limitations, when compared with VSCode.

  • Limited extensibility

  • Runs exclusively on Windows

  • No support for project management

  • No support for file types except PowerShell code (Markdown, CSV, JSON, et al.)

  • User interface doesn't scale well on high-DPI displays

  • No integration with Pester unit testing framework

  • Does not natively support source control (ie. git, mercurial)

  • Limited keyboard navigation, no centralized command palette

Using VSCode to develop your PowerShell project will help you to integrate all of your different components into a manageable project. If you invest time into learning keyboard shortcuts and how to customize the VSCode environment, you will boost your productivity.

This training includes:

  • 10 videos

  • 1 hour of training

Watch a video from the series:

Start learning VSCode today!


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