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New: Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 6.0 Infrastructure Services

by Raju Woodward
New: Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 6.0 Infrastructure Services picture: A
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Published on September 30, 2015

Anthony Sequeira recently completed the sixth and final course of our "Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One" series: 6.0 Infrastructure Services. The 2-hour course focuses on the infrastructure domain of the CCIE R&S exam, including topics such as device management, NTP, and NetFlow. In addition to preparing them for both the written and lab exams, this course also aims to provide learners with hands-on experience.

We caught up with Anthony to get his thoughts on the entire CCIE RS v5 All-in-One series and how you can get the most out of this comprehensive training! Here's a list of all the courses in the series in case you need to catch up or review:

And here's the Q&A Session:

Q: What makes this version of the CCIE exam so difficult?

The CCIE R&S now consists of many parts that all need to be passed for success in your certification achievement. The written exam, the Lab TS section, the Lab Diagnostics section, and the Lab Configuration section. Students need straightforward training materials on these subjects now more than ever.

Q: With that in mind, what was your approach in creating this series?

When we created the series here at CBT Nuggets, we focused on concise, expert instruction. We also tried to balance the amount of theory with the incredible volume of hands-on demonstrations. We also ensured that students could easily emulate our demonstrations in their own practice environments.

Q: What other supplemental resources would you recommend to students?

Students should consider VIRL, or GNS3, or rental equipment. Or all three!

Q: Which domain of the CCIE R&S v5 exam do you think is the most challenging?

I think for many students the Part 4 VPN domain will be the most challenging as they might have the least experience in these areas.

Q: Can Learners watch these courses out of order?

Yes. Students are always free to watch in whatever order they like! Also, students should consider not watching content areas they have mastered already, and re-watching their weaker areas!

Q: What can earning this certification do for learners?

The CCIE certification sets a candidate apart like no other professional certification in the IT industry. This is a simple matter of supply and demand (there are relatively few CCIEs), and the fact that it is so incredibly difficult to achieve. Employers immediately realize the dedication of such a candidate. It is undeniable.

Q: Which was your favorite course in the series to create?

My favorite course was the security section. I love all things IT security.

Q: What are some real-world applications that this series lends itself to?

CCIE R&S courses lend themselves to REAL WORLD master of the most important routing and switching topics to date!

Happy CCIE R&S v5 training!


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