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New Training: Deploy AWS CloudFormation Stacks with Python and Boto3

by Team Nuggets
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Published on March 3, 2021

In this 6-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Trevor Sullivan explores how to use the boto3 module, which automates cloud resource management in AWS, to deploy and manage AWS CloudFormation stacks. Watch this new AWS training.

Watch the full course: AWS Cloud Automation

This training includes:

  • 6 videos

  • 59 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Introduction to AWS CloudFormation and Python boto3 Module

  • Configure an Amazon EC2 Development Environment for AWS CloudFormation

  • Explore AWS CloudFormation APIs in Python boto3

  • Deploy an AWS CloudFormation Stack with Python and boto3

  • Initiate AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection with Python boto3

  • Delete an AWS CloudFormation Stack with Python boto3

How To Use boto3 With Python To Control AWS CloudFormation Resources

AWS CloudFormation is a powerful AWS resource that helps cloud engineers manage, deploy, and control other AWS resources. With AWS CloudFormation, engineers can quickly control how AWS resources are used and ensure they meet business requirements. Python can be used to automate CloudFormation tasks.

Before Python can be used with AWS, the boto3 library needs to be installed and configured in Python first. Use the Python package manager to quickly install boto3:

pip install boto3

After installing boto3, the library will need to be configured with the appropriate IAM policies to work with an AWS account.

After boto3 is installed and configured, instantiate the CloudFormation object in Python to call CloudFormation methods:

client = boto3.client(‘cloudformation’)

After the CloudFormation object is initialized, engineers can then automate the rest of the CloudFormation operations. The AWS CloudFormation objects let developers do things like list current CloudFormation stacks, create new stacks, update stacks, delete stacks, detect resource drift, and more.

For more information about the CloudFormation object in the boto3 library, visit its documentation page in the AWS boto3 knowledge base.


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