New Skills

New Training: Account Management Controls

by Team Nuggets
New Training: Identity Sources for vSphere picture: A
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Published on March 15, 2021

In this 10-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Keith Barker discusses and demonstrates identity and account management controls. Watch this new Cyber Security training.

Watch the full course: Implementing Secure Network, Cloud, and Mobile Solutions Training

This training includes:

  • 10 videos

  • 1.4 hours of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Intro to Account Mgmt. Controls

  • Shared Accounts

  • User Accounts

  • Guest Accounts

  • Service Accounts

  • Verifying Identity

  • SSH Authorized Keys

  • Password Policies

  • Conditional Access

  • Quiz and Review

3 Types Of Access Control

When studying for the CompTIA Security+ exam, you will need to understand the principles of identity and access management.

Identity and access management controls both who and what processes have access to resources. It also controls the type of access permitted as well (Eg. Read or read and write access to a network share). These control mechanisms can be implemented on computer systems, external devices, or both.

There are three different types of access control:

  1. Mandatory access control

  2. Discretionary access control

  3. Role-based access control

Let's take a look at one of them: role-based access control.

Role-based access control is probably the most familiar type of access control in the IT environment. With this control mechanism, access is restricted based on the role an individual or service has. For instance, if an individual belongs to an administrator group in AD, they will most likely have access to all resources while an individual that belongs to an accounting group will only be able to access resources related to the accounting department.


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