This week: Security+ SY0-601

The CompTIA Security+ certification is well-known and respected among government agencies and companies, and serves as the ideal starting point for anyone looking to get into the IT security realm.
This week, we looked at what's new with the Security+ 601 exam, application whitelisting and how it works, and the features behind five top patch management tools.
Security+ Exam SY0-501 vs 601: What's New?
CompTIA's new Security+ (SY0-601) exam is expected to be released this summer. Find what you need to know about the new certification — and whether you should pursue it.
Top 6 Patch Management Tools and Their Features
Despite our best efforts, vulnerabilities can arise within operating systems and applications. That's when patch management becomes important. Learn about some top patch management tools.
Application Whitelisting: What It Is and How to Use It
Application whitelisting enables organizations to control what and how many apps are running, keeping their networks safer from potential outside threats.
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