New Course: Python Foundations for Data Analysis

In this 41-video, entry-level training, CBT Nuggets trainer Jonathan Barrios covers the knowledge aspiring data analysts need to master what is easily the best programming language in the world for data analysis: Python and its data analysis libraries.
Python Foundations for Data Analysis Online Training
Good data analysis makes sense of the past, guides present action and can even predict the future – Python puts all that possibility within reach. And doing data analysis with Python almost always requires a good foundation in Python and its libraries like Pandas, NumPy and even IPython.
Python is the world’s leading programming language for data analysis for a reason: it’s versatile, powerful, intuitive, relatively easy, and the open source language has libraries and add-ons that are kept up-to-date by programmers and analysts all over the world. You can learn it and master it for data analysis with this course.
The 7-part series covers topics such as analyzing data with Python and Python libraries special made for data analysis, identifying and acquiring the right data and types of data with Python, and performing simple and complex statistical analyses.
Watch a video from the series:
This training includes:
6 hours of training
41 videos
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