Training / Study Habits

Meet the Trainer: Garth Schulte

by Team Nuggets
Meet the Trainer: Garth Schulte picture: A
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Published on March 20, 2012

Garth Schulte takes a break from the computer to try his best Fruit Ninja impression.

State: New York

Professional: Certifications in Microsoft MCP, MCSD and MCBDA.

With CBT since: 2001

When I'm not making CBT Nuggets videos, you'll find me at home turning the house upside down with my two ”soon to be three” energetic and awesome kids; all the while driving mom crazy. At work, you'll find me designing applications for clients with the latest and greatest cutting-edge Microsoft technologies.

Favorite Nugget: Anything from the early days, Visual Studio 6 programming Nuggets for instance. It's cool and retro and takes me back to when I (sort of) had hair.

The best part about being a trainer is I've always had a knack for problem-solving, so I treat the individuals I'm training as problems (not literally!) and what we're trying to solve is the issue of not knowing. It's a great feeling for all when that knowledge successfully transfers!

I'm passionate about IT training because my two favorite things (other than pancakes and ice cream) are software and people. Having the opportunity to work with both is incredibly fulfilling and extremely awesome!

Note: Garth will be hosting a Google+ hangout on Thursday, March 22 at 12 p.m. Eastern. He'll be talking about some brand new features of SQL 2012, including AlwaysOn Availability, SEQUENCE objects, and Windows Server Core Support. To join this Google+ hangout, go to the CBT Nuggets G+ page.

See Garth's videos here!

Ultimate Systems Administration Cert Guide

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