New Training: Understand NETCONF Network Automation

In this 9-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer John McGovern deep-dives into the power of leveraging the NETCONF protocol for automated network configuration and change management. Watch this new networking training.
Watch the full course: Advanced Network Automation with Cisco and Python
This training includes:
9 videos
1.2 hours of training
You’ll learn these topics in this skill:
NETCONF Overview
NETCONF get-config
NETCONF Subtree Filtering
NETCONF Xpath Filtering
NETCONF edit-config
NETCONF Network Wide Transactions
How Can AI Improve Network Automation?
Network Automation is a design strategy aimed to remove manual network processes related to planning, deployment, operations, and optimizations of IT networks. Through the use of sophisticated hardware and software solutions, organizations are finding immense value through network automation in not only the resilience of their IT networks but also in removing the burden of manual processes put on IT administrators.
Today, organizations are finding that new developing areas of research, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are creating new unique solutions regarding network automation. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning advancements, autonomous systems are now beginning to use human-like analysis and decision-making to optimize the deployment, configuration, and management of extremely complex IT networks. This fascinating evolution in network automation points to a future where networks are completely self-sustaining and self-healing through next-generation systems enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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