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New Training: Manage Amazon CloudWatch Metrics with PowerShell

by Team Nuggets
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Published on February 2, 2021

In this 8-video skill, CBT Nuggets trainer Trevor Sullivan shows how to ingest metrics into Amazon CloudWatch with PowerShell, and create alarms and thresholds. Amazon CloudWatch is a managed service that enables you to insert high-resolution metrics and set up metric alarms based on thresholds. Watch this new AWS training.

Watch the full course: AWS Cloud Automation

This training includes:

  • 8 videos

  • 58 minutes of training

You’ll learn these topics in this skill:

  • Why Use Amazon EC2 Image Builder for Container Images?

  • Understanding Resources in Amazon EC2 Image Builder

  • Create a Next.js Linux Container Image Locally with Docker

  • Upload Application Files to Amazon S3 Bucket

  • Create Build Component in Amazon EC2 Image Builder

  • Create Amazon EC2 Image Builder Recipe for Container Build

  • Create the EC2 Image Builder Pipeline and Infrastructure Settings

  • Validate Container Build Pipeline Status and Resolve Errors

What is Amazon CloudWatch?

Amazon CloudWatch is a service from AWS that monitors applications and infrastructure resources, whether they are located in AWS or elsewhere, and provides actionable insights based on this. In a single platform, you can collect, analyze and act upon data from all your systems, including containers.

In addition to its graphical dashboard interface, which provides both real-time and historical data, CloudWatch can also create alarms that will send you notifications based on events related to the resources that you are monitoring. You can even automatically make changes to resources based on these events, such as launching new instances when they become needed or removing ones when they are no longer needed.

CloudWatch works automatically with EC2, and you can configure it as well to work with EBS, RDS database instances, SQS Queues, SNS Topics, and external sources of data.

You can access CloudWatch through the CloudWatch web console, the AWS CLI, the CloudWatch API and the AWS SDKs.


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