Certifications / Cloud

New Course: VMware VCA-DCV

by Raju Woodward
New Course: VMware VCA-DCV picture: A
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Published on October 3, 2014

When it comes to virtualization, you can't go wrong with VMware's vSphere platform. Before you dive in, you'll want to understand the nuts and bolts of vSphere. Start learning them with a new course from CBT Nuggets, "VMware VCA-DCV."

During this 10-video course, trainer Keith Barker covers basic concepts and features of VMware vSphere, including the ESXi Hypervisor, networking, and more. This course is ideal for learners who are new to virtualization or VMware technology.

Here are the videos in the course:

  1. Welcome and Overview

  2. Give me a "V"

  3. ESXi Hypervisor

  4. vMotion

  5. Virtual Storage

  6. vCenter

  7. Networking

  8. vCenter Operations Manager

  9. VCM, VDP, and SRM

  10. Final Prep

Start watching this course now!

Read this post for more reasons to learn VMware.


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