This Week: VMworld 2019 US

If you're thinking of getting VMware certified, we've got good news. There's a lot of resources out there to prepare you for success on exam day. We've gathered the best of them so you can boost your virtualization skills.
VMware ESXi Free vs. Paid: A Look at License Limitations
VMware offers a free version of one of its most popular hypervisors, making it ideal for trial run or simply practicing your skills. However, there are some limitations compared to the paid version that you should be aware of.
How to Maintain Certs on Your VMware Resume
VMware earlier this year made several big changes to its certification program. Here's what you need to know about maintaining them on your resume.
Where to Find the Best (Free) VMware Labs
One of the best and surefire ways to learn is to get hands-on experience. If you're wanting to hone your virtualization skills, there's plenty of free labs available. The tricky part is knowing where to find them. We did the legwork and uncovered them for you.
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