The Scott Morris Resource

This is your one-stop Scott Morris resource! Scott Morris has been with CBT Nuggets since February 2014. He holds nine expert-level certifications and more than 60 overall. Scott loves helping people reach their goals through his training courses. Be sure to check out Scott and Anthony Sequeira's in progress "Cisco CCIE RS v5 All-In-One: 3.0 Layer 3 Technologies" course.
Here are links to everything Scott-related, from his courses to his blog posts.
Scott in action:
Browse all of Scott's training courses here
Watch all of his MicroNuggets and CBT videos here
Be sure to check out the recording of his "Amp Your Resume With Juniper Networks" webinar
In his words:
Focus on the Technology
Scott Morris quote wallpaper
Scott on the web:
Q&A With Scott Morris
Connect with Scott:
Check him out on Google+
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