5 Ways to Utilize Practice Exams

CBT Nuggets offers practice exams as part of your premium subscription. Practice exams are an excellent tool to help you better understand your level of preparedness ahead of a certification exam or to measure your understanding. Here are 5 ways to get more out of your practice exam experience:
1. Understand the features and functionality of the practice exams!
There are 3 different experiences included with Transcender: Optimize Exam Experience, Preset Exam Experience, and TranscenderFlash.
Optimize Exam Experience allows you to select specific topics, number of questions you want to answer, and choose to learn more about why your answers are correct or incorrect as you proceed through the exam experience.
Preset Exam Experience option is designed to emulate the actual exam experience, as closely as possible.
TranscenderFlash is designed to provide you with a flashcard-like study experience through which you can test your knowledge.
2. Take the practice exam 3 times:
First take: establish a baseline against which you can measure your progress later;
Second take: measure your progress and learning when you reach the halfway point in your training! Use your results to identify areas you may need to revisit to deepen your understanding; and
Final take: dive into your practice exam one last time before you take the real thing to get direction on where you should spend time reviewing.
3. Use your practice exam results to direct your training! Your results can help you identify areas of strength and weakness and once you have identified your weaknesses, you can strategically train to turn them into strengths!
4. Shoot for 90%! As a general rule of thumb, when you can score 90% on your practice exam, you just might be ready for the real thing!
5. Customize for success! Transcender offers you two customizable options for your practice exam experience, that you can personalize in order to improve your preparation and understanding. Optimize Exam Experience and TranscenderFlash both give you the opportunity to hand-pick topics in order to better direct your training and review.
Learn more about how to maximize your practice exam experience by watching Keith Barker's CBT Nuggets Transcender® Practice Exam Tutorial. As they say, practice makes perfect, so take full advantage of the practice exam experience in order to be fully prepared to conquer your next certification exam!
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