Demonstrating Professionalism Online Training

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    UPDATED: July 26, 2019

    Learn to communicate respectfully with this soft skills training. IT employees and end users can use this Demonstrating Professionalism course to learn the fundamentals of behaving and communicating in a professional manner. Employees will gain an understanding of good communication skills, workplace behavior, and how to navigate coworker relationships in the office.

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    What you'll learn

    • Understanding the fundamentals of relationships in the office
    • Identifying soft skills related to professionalism
    • Communicating clearly, with respect
    • Representing yourself and your positions without disrespecting others
    • Behaving professionally and demonstrating professionalism


    What will you learn in this demonstrating professionalism training?

    You'll learn how to put your best foot forward, make good impressions, and get along well with others. Even if your job is technical, a huge part of your future success will be how you interact with people. This professionalism course makes sure you rub people the right way.

    Who should take this demonstrating professionalism course?

    Any IT professional would benefit from this course in demonstrating professionalism. Let's face it, from help desk personnel to network architects, people who work in IT can sometimes seem a bit standoffish or aloof. This course will show you how to interact with people well and demonstrate professionalism.

    Is this training in demonstrating professionalism associated with any certifications?

    Yes, this course was originally designed to help learners prepare for the A+ from CompTIA. You might be surprised at first to learn that the A+ certification has a soft skills section, but after you take this course you'll see that professionalism is an essential part of IT career success.

    What certification should you consider after taking this course in demonstrating professionalism?

    If you've been working in IT for a while already, you should aim for the A+ after taking this course. This course is only about the soft skills that you need to succeed in the IT career field, the rest of the A+ certification from CompTIA is about technical expertise.

    Why should you take this demonstrating professionalism training?

    You should take this demonstrating professionalism course so that you have yet another tool in your toolbelt to advance your career. Gain mastery over the ways that people like to be communicated with, learn how to talk about sensitive topics, and how to make your point respectfully in this training.

    Who is this for?

    This Demonstrating Professionalism training is considered foundational-level professionalism training, which means it was designed for everyone. This course is valuable for new or experienced professionals, as an onboarding resource, or to prepare for a new job or interview.


    What our learners say

    • When learning a new technology, people sometimes build a wall that complicates the learning process because of the unknown. I like tearing down that wall — and having people fall in love with that technology.

      Lalo Nunez | CBT Nuggets trainer since 2020
    • The more I put into learning, the more skills I’m going to have — and the better I’m going to be technically.

      Knox Hutchinson | CBT Nuggets trainer since 2018
    • Very easy and fun way to learn. Keith Barker is my favorite, he'll throw in jokes here and there and it makes me remember certain study points. I highly recommend this app and purchasing subscriptions, it is truly worth the money.

      Joshua E. | IT Systems Administrator
    Study plan

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