AZ-801 Training: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services

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    UPDATED: June 30, 2022
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    This Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services training covers the objectives in the AZ-801 exam, which is one of two exams required to earn the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate certification. Use this AZ-801 exam prep to get certified, proving that you have the advanced administrator skills required to manage Windows Server servers in a hybrid environment.

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    What you'll learn

    • Securing Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures
    • Implementing and managing high availability on Windows Servers
    • Implementing disaster recovery
    • Migrating servers and workloads
    • Monitoring and troubleshooting environments running Windows Server


    Is the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate worth it?

    Yes, if you work with Microsoft Azure, if you administer hybrid server environments, or if you architect enterprise networks, the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate is worth it. One thing to note is that it's not a broadly applicable certification. In other words, if you don't (and don't want to) work with servers, hybrid environments or Microsoft enterprise networks, there are other certs that are more worth it for you.

    How much does the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate cost?

    Earning the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate costs at least $330. There are two necessary exams to earn the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator cert, AZ-800 (Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure) and AZ-801 (Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services). Both exams cost $165 to attempt, but neither have any prerequisites, so you can take them at any time in your career. This course is specifically designed to prepare you for the AZ-801.

    How hard is the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate exam (AZ-801)?

    Exam AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services is the second of the two exams needed to earn the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate and it's relatively easy for admins with direct experience in securing Windows Server in hybrid and on-prem environments, who can manage high availability for Windows Server, have migrated servers and workloads between different environments, and know how to monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments.

    How long are Microsoft certifications good for?

    Your Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate will expire one year after you earn it. Fortunately, renewing Microsoft certs is free and easy: you just need to take a renewal exam that's designed to cover only things about the technology and exam that have changed in the intervening time. As of 2024, Microsoft certifications except for Fundamentals are only valid for one year.

    Who should take this Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate course?

    This is a good course for beginners to server administration as well as experienced administrators who want to stack their resume with certifications. Administrators who need to learn to integrate Windows Server environments with Azure services can get first-hand experience with this course. And administrators who want to prove that they can manage Windows Server in on-prem networks can validate those skills by taking this course.

    Who is this for?

    This Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services training is considered associate-level Microsoft training, which means it was designed for systems administrators. This Windows Server skills course is valuable for new IT professionals with at least a year of experience with server administration tools and experienced systems administrators looking to validate their Microsoft skills.


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