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John Munjoma
Nugget trainer since 2020
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Google Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) FAQs: Cost, Training, Value

What will you learn in this Google cloud management and engineering training?

This course covers five major areas of cloud engineering expertise: setting up new cloud solutions, configuring existing cloud solutions, deploying and implementing hybrid cloud solutions, configuring access and security, and ensuring business concerns are met alongside operational needs. This course specifically addresses doing all five within the Google cloud console and CLI at an associate engineer level.

Who should take this Google cloud associate engineering course?

Anyone who administers cloud applications, operations or solutions and who wants to move upward into an engineering role should take this course. This course teaches you how to take all the Google Cloud apps and operations you're familiar with and plan out entire solution environments for your organization and network.

Is this training in Google cloud engineering associated with any certifications?

Yes, this course in Google Cloud engineering is tied directly to the Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification. After you finish this course in engineering Google Cloud solutions, you'll be prepared to earn the Associate Cloud Engineer cert from Google, proving you can maintain multiple cloud deployments through Google-managed or self-managed services.

What certification should you consider after taking this course in Google cloud management and engineering?

The right certification for you depends on your experience managing cloud solutions and how familiar you are with Google Cloud. This course prepares you for the Google Cloud Associate Engineer, but maybe you'd be more comfortable starting with the Cloud Digital Leader and working your way up – or maybe you want to jump straight to Cloud Architect.

Why should you take this Google associate cloud engineer training?

You should take this training so that you can stop running individual tasks and solutions and instead start planning entire organizational implementations that affect every department and section. Learn to balance multiple competing concerns while you implement the right Google Cloud service for the task, all entirely within Google's CLI or the console.
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