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Fortinet NSE 4 Online Training
Note: The lab environment within this course was created using version 7.0.x, which included a free trial. As of version 7.2.x, Fortinet no longer includes a free unregistered trial. To create the environment shown within this course, use version 7.0.x.
This intermediate NSE 4 training prepares learners to take the Fortinet NSE 4 - FortiOS exam, which is the one required exam to earn the Fortinet NSE 4 certification. This NSE 4 Fortinet course dives deeper into FortiGate device configuration. Fortinet NSE 4 exam prep will prepare you with the specialized knowledge necessary to maintain and configure FortiGate devices.
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What you'll learn
- Deploying and configuring FortiGate security devices onto a network
- Configuring firewall policies, NAT, and authentication with FortiGate devices
- Using FortiGate inspection modes to encrypt and inspect traffic
- Optimizing switching and routing through configuring FortiGate devices
Who should take this NSE 4 course?
Is this training in Fortinet NSE 4 associated with any certifications?
What certification should you consider after taking this course in FortiOS?
Why should you take this Fortinet NSE 4 training?
Who is this for?
This NSE 4 training is considered professional-level Fortinet training, which means it was designed for security technicians. This advanced security practices skills course is designed for security technicians with three to five years of experience with advanced security practices.

What our learners say
This is the gold standard of video training. You always hear in grade school or college that the best teachers are the ones who are passionate in their field. The CBT Nuggets team are extremely passionate and get you motivated for the material.
When learning a new technology, people sometimes build a wall that complicates the learning process because of the unknown. I like tearing down that wall — and having people fall in love with that technology.
Very easy and fun way to learn. Keith Barker is my favorite, he'll throw in jokes here and there and it makes me remember certain study points. I highly recommend this app and purchasing subscriptions, it is truly worth the money.
Download the free NSE 4 study plan to complete this course in about 26 hours.
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