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Fortinet NSE 4 Online Training

Note: The lab environment within this course was created using version 7.0.x, which included a free trial. As of version 7.2.x, Fortinet no longer includes a free unregistered trial. To create the environment shown within this course, use version 7.0.x.

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UPDATED: January 6, 2022

This intermediate NSE 4 training prepares learners to take the Fortinet NSE 4 - FortiOS exam, which is the one required exam to earn the Fortinet NSE 4 certification. This NSE 4 Fortinet course dives deeper into FortiGate device configuration. Fortinet NSE 4 exam prep will prepare you with the specialized knowledge necessary to maintain and configure FortiGate devices.

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What you'll learn

  • Deploying and configuring FortiGate security devices onto a network
  • Configuring firewall policies, NAT, and authentication with FortiGate devices
  • Using FortiGate inspection modes to encrypt and inspect traffic
  • Optimizing switching and routing through configuring FortiGate devices


What will you learn in this Fortinet training?

You'll learn the fundamental facts and concepts of cybersecurity administration while practicing real-world Fortinet and FortiGate configuration and maintenance skills. This Fortinet NSE 4 course covers all the knowledge and experience an entry-level cybersecurity technician needs to get started successfully on their first day as a Fortinet administrator.

Who should take this NSE 4 course?

Network security administrators and technical support specialists and engineers who are starting their careers or working with Fortinet technology for the first time should take this course. But even experienced systems engineers can benefit from this course if they need a thorough understanding of all things FortiOS 7.x.

Is this training in Fortinet NSE 4 associated with any certifications?

Yes, this training is specially designed to help prepare learners for the NSE 4 certification from Fortinet. The NSE 4 is fourth in a family of eight certifications that get progressively more challenging. The NSE 4 is the first certification focused on technical skills, and an excellent early career move.

What certification should you consider after taking this course in FortiOS?

You'll probably want to plan on earning the NSE 4 after taking this exam. This is a thorough course that doesn't just cover Fortinet and FortiOS concepts – it explains universal networking and security concepts as well. But the lessons of this course are best applied to the NSE 4 exam.

Why should you take this Fortinet NSE 4 training?

You should take this Fortinet NSE 4 training if you need to know how to administer the network security technology that's found on a Fortinet network. If you work with FortiGate devices – or want to – after this course you'll be completely at ease with configuring, installing, managing and operating them.

Who is this for?

This NSE 4 training is considered professional-level Fortinet training, which means it was designed for security technicians. This advanced security practices skills course is designed for security technicians with three to five years of experience with advanced security practices.


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  • Very easy and fun way to learn. Keith Barker is my favorite, he'll throw in jokes here and there and it makes me remember certain study points. I highly recommend this app and purchasing subscriptions, it is truly worth the money.

    Joshua E. | IT Systems Administrator
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