Angular Basics Online Training

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    UPDATED: December 13, 2021

    This Angular Basics training course prepares app developers to write and develop with the Angular platform so that you can quickly build scalable web applications. Angular is a development platform that is increasingly popular because of how quickly a web application can scale up from a one-person project to an enterprise-level tool. This Angular Basics training will introduce what a coding framework is and how the Angular platform speeds development and scaling.

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    4.5 reviews stars

    What you'll learn

    • Building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript
    • Writing Angular components for easy templates and scalable development
    • Importing additional functionality to your applications with TypeScript Libraries
    • Using Angular modules to collect related code into functional sets for you


    What will you learn in this Angular basics training?

    After this course, you'll be comfortable using one of Javascript's best libraries for doing front-end development, Angular. This course covers the fundamentals of using AngularJS, the structural framework for building dynamic web applications. Throughout the entire course, you'll have lots of opportunities to practice extending HTML into your applications' components.

    Who should take this Angular basics course?

    Software developers, application developers and infrastructure coders should be planning on taking this course in AngularJS. AngularJS is a library that basically all developers pick up on their own eventually, but after taking this short and easy video course, new developers can get a jump-start on their careers.

    Is this training in Angular's basics associated with any certifications?

    No, this course in AngularJS wasn't designed to prepare learners for any certification exam. Certifications tend to cover a lot more information than a single JavaScript library. But that just means this course can focus on preparing developers to actually use the library and not worry about extra memorization.

    What certification should you think about after this course in Angular basics?

    There's no single authority for AngularJS or certification to aim for after learning Angular basics. Developer certifications like Adobe's Certified Expert for Developers or the Certified Secure Software Program Lifecycle Professional from (ISC)2 will include information about JavaScript. This course in Angular basics could help with certs like those.

    Why should you take this Angular basics training?

    AngularJS is one of the most powerful, versatile and easy to learn JavaScript libraries around. Take this Angular basics training and learn the front-end application framework's unique strengths and advantages. It's easy, comprehensive, supported by a huge community and allows for some of the best web experiences for users.

    Who is this for?

    This Angular Basics training is considered foundational-level JavaScript training, which means it is valuable for new or aspiring IT professionals and non-technical professionals.


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    • I didn't ever think I'd have the position I have now.

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    Study plan

    Download the free Angular Basics study plan to complete this course in about 17 hours.

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