Data Structures with Pandas Online Training

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    UPDATED: September 14, 2018

    This Python and Pandas training course prepares learners to use the Python packages NumPy and Pandas to start analyzing data. This training is designed to help you think about data analysis opportunities as well as how to maximize those opportunities with Python.

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    What you'll learn

    • Navigating data structures with Pandas
    • Understanding NumPy arrays
    • Using Pandas series and DataFrames
    • Importing and processing data with Pandas
    • Processing data with Pandas
    • Using descriptive statistics, iteration, and sorting
    • Understanding covariance and correlations
    • Managing aggregations, grouping and merging


    What will you learn in this data structure in Pandas training?

    This course explores essential concepts around data analysis and structuring data before it gets deep into deploying and using the Python libraries NumPy and Pandas. This training is designed to help you think about data analysis opportunities as well as how to maximize those opportunities with Python.

    Who should take this Pandas course on data structures?

    This course is best for brand new data analysts, but experienced data analysts with even a hair of doubt about Pandas and NumPy should take it too. This data structures course doesn't just talk about data structures, it has lots of opportunities to practice your Python and analysis skills.

    Is this training in data structures with Pandas associated with any certifications?

    No, this data structures course isn't associated with any certification. This Pandas training is a relatively short course that stays focused on using Pandas and NumPy to build and manipulate data structures. That means there's nothing extra to memorize that might distract you from learning excellent data analysis techniques.

    What certification should you consider after taking this Pandas course on data structures?

    There aren't any Python Pandas certifications from major certification providers, but there are some certifications from smaller groups or institutions. If your employer asks you to find a Pandas certification, this course can help you understand data structures in Pandas and advanced manipulation techniques in using Pandas data.

    Why should you take this data structures with Pandas training?

    You should take this course because data analysis is one of the most sought-after skills in any career field right now. From hospitals to IT firms and even lawyers offices – everyone needs a data analyst. Pandas is a powerful tool for analysts and mastering it makes you very valuable.

    Who is this for?

    This Python training is entry-level programming training, which means it was designed for new software developers, data analysts, IT professionals, or anyone trying to learn Python.


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    • The more I put into learning, the more skills I’m going to have — and the better I’m going to be technically.

      Knox Hutchinson | CBT Nuggets trainer since 2018
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    • Very easy and fun way to learn. Keith Barker is my favorite, he'll throw in jokes here and there and it makes me remember certain study points. I highly recommend this app and purchasing subscriptions, it is truly worth the money.

      Joshua E. | IT Systems Administrator
    Study plan

    Download the free Data Structures with Pandas study plan to complete this course in about 2 hours.

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