Introduction to DevOps

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Garth Schulte
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Intro to DevOps FAQs: Cost, Training, Value

What is DevOps in simple terms?

DevOps is a way of working that combines software development and IT operations. Traditionally, companies would keep the development of a software product separate from the management and maintenance of the network infrastructure that supports the delivery of that product to customers. DevOps is a process for a company to bring those two silos under one roof. DevOps as a practice emphasizes automation, communication and shared responsibilities to deliver better software, faster.

Can anyone get into DevOps?

Yes, DevOps is a process and ideology that's available to professionals at any point in the software delivery and at any point in their careers. Developers, sysadmins, testers, managers and executives can all improve not just their job prospects, but also their company's development and operations by learning even a little bit about DevOps. It's worth noting, however, that DevOps is a process, mindset and culture that spans the entire company.

How do you get a job in DevOps?

Landing a job in DevOps starts with a course like this that helps you understand its principles and processes, but it doesn't end there. Remember, DevOps applies to both sides of the IT house, so having software development and IT operations skills and training are all important to landing a DevOps job. Skills in coding, automation, cloud computing and systems administration often lead to a career in DevOps.

How do you start integrating DevOps into your company?

Integrating DevOps into a company is a long process that isn't accomplished by any one person. DevOps starts with a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, which has to be adopted by technicians and management. Leadership has to encourage shared responsibility between developers and operations, and employees have to embrace it. It takes thoroughly trained DevOps professionals at all levels of the hierarchy working together to produce a company that integrates DevOps.

Who should take this DevOps course?

This DevOps course is for any professional (technical, managerial, executive) who's heard about DevOps and wants to get the terminology and concepts down in order to make a more informed decision about it in their own career or in their business. DevOps is a process that relates to software developers, IT operations personnel, QC/QA, project managers, systems administrators, managers and leadership – this intro gets everyone on the same page.
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